Shipping Policy
Is Shipping free?
Shipping is free on all orders to Australian addresses over $50.
When will I receive my order?
Orders are shipped out directly from our warehouse. Due to the popularity of our offers, all orders are processed & shipped anywhere between 1- 2 business days of you placing the order depending on your location and fastest available service. Typical delivery time frame is between 12 - 30 days for Australia orders excluding non-working days i.e. Saturday and Sunday (this time frame includes international orders) however, you may receive your items much earlier. All orders are shipped with a tracking number so you can track it every step of the way.
What happens if my orders get stuck or lost in the mail?
All orders are sent with insured shipping and handling. However, if an order gets stuck at custom, send back or even lost during the delivery process. We apologize! the postal service is out of our control. However, in these cases the packages are insured, we will send you new packages with quicker shipping and full tracking.
For more information please email us at: